Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Kenny Davis, Kyle Holbrook, Tom Pinney, Olvy Johnson,Mike Yacavone, Phil Schuman
This Source: Master AUDCA Maxell MX90 No NR [KH] Microphones: AKG C422 (Cardioid) > AKG S42 XY 90º 10 feet high Recorder: Sony TC-D5M| 2nd in line Location: OTS- 120' from stage ** [44:45 -45:10] Spliced 25 seconds end of space through first 10 seconds of GDTRFB from OADE Schoeps rig, KH master- info: Patch Source:Microphones: Schoeps 90º X-Y 10 feet high > Oade M118 Recorder: OADE Analog patchbay|1st Sony TC-D5M in line [KH] Location: OTS- 120' from stage (6 feet away from AKG stand)
Transfer: Nakamichi 582ZX > Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC